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Portraits de Femme et de Couple

Commandes Personnalisées

Portraits de Femme, Reine, Déesse, Animalité Totémique Féminine
Témoignage client
Les portraits de Francesca agissent dans le temps. Ils ont tous une vibration unique qui interfère avec notre vibrations et on le sent. Le processus de création de Francesca est très intéressant. On est complètement immergé dans son univers, avec les messages qu’elle envoie, avec les discussions qu'on a avec elle. Son processus créatif est alchimique. Oui, pour moi, il y a l'alchimie dedans.
Olivia R..

I offer Personalized PORTRAITS

on specific themes:

DYNAMIC portrait ,


Woman Portrait VulvOSE ,

Portrait The Queens in You ,

Indoor Child Portrait .

Portrait Musical Women

They are all acrylic drawings with transformative powers, even healers because they show you your wishes for happiness, your creative forces symbolized by colors, shapes, animals, plants, queens, according to the theme of the portrait. YOU can therefore offer yourself an original portrait that speaks of You, your Soul, Your Potential, Your Uniqueness.

You can choose between 4 formats:

A4 (90 euros)

A3 (180 euros),

square of 50 cm x 50 cm (250 euros)

65 cm x 50 cm (280 euros).


To create YOUR personalized Portrait of your choice, or that of a loved one, please send me an email at

in I will answer you by specifying you the information which is necessary for me to create your portrait or that of the person to whom you wish to offer it.

For example for DYNAMIC portraits I will ask you for the following information:

zodiac sign, date of birth or life path number, favorite colors, animal totem and / or favorite animal, an element to choose between water earth air fire, a symbol to choose between Star Moon Sun.

2 or 3 photos of You or the Person in the portrait

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